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CHITIN, CHITOSAN - posso mangiare Chitin, chitosan incinta ?

Possiamo mangiare Chitin, chitosan durante la gravidanza? Scopri i rischi associati ad Chitin, chitosan durante la gravidanza.

Chitin, chitosan incinta
Si ma...
Informazione Against-indication: The use of chitin and chitosan is against-indicated for people with allergies to crustaceans and molluscs. Side effects: Chitin and chitosan are two molecules whose safety has been confirmed by several studies. However, to avoid the occurrence of adverse effects, it should respect the doses recommended in the use of dietary supplements and make cures that do not exceed one month. During a cure chitosan, mild side effects can sometimes appear. Some people may especially have nausea or constipation. If in doubt, you should seek medical advice.
Rischi Nessun rischio
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Chitin, chitosan incinta
Chitin, chitosan incinta

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