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VITIS VINIFERA VAR. TINCTORIA - posso mangiare Vitis vinifera var. tinctoria incinta ?

Possiamo mangiare Vitis vinifera var. tinctoria durante la gravidanza? Scopri i rischi associati ad Vitis vinifera var. tinctoria durante la gravidanza.

Vitis vinifera var. tinctoria incinta
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Informazione Warnings against red vine: The active ingredients of the red vine are well tolerated by the body. However, as many active substances, they may have some Contraindications. A cure or a red vine supplementation is particularly against-indicated in: Pregnant or lactating women; Children and adolescents under 18 years; women who developed breast cancer or who have a history with this disease. Side effects of red wine: The use of red vine is not associated with any significant side effects. However, in some people, it can cause some mild side effects such as hypersensitivity or allergy; skin reactions such as itching and reddening of the skin; digestive disorders such as nausea and stomach pain; headaches.
Rischi See below
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Vitis vinifera var. tinctoria incinta
Vitis vinifera var. tinctoria incinta

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